Obviously not in the way the original colonists, many refugees from religious persecution, did to the indigenous peoples of the Americas. But like Abraham Lincoln did on the first official Thanksgiving in celebration and gratitude that Gettysburg, the deciding battle of the American Civil War was over. Although the Syrian Civil War ravaging people’s lives is […]
Anti-theist Answers to Christian Questions
Matt Slick of the Christian Apologetics and Research Ministery (CARM) posted 31 questions for atheists, and I couldn’t help but submit my answers to them. [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u6qRT6MjjSs[/youtube] 1. How would you define atheism? Atheism means ‘without theism’; theism being a belief system which proposes a deity. Atheism is a lack of belief in a deity; a […]
Congratulations to Louisiana on Regime Change!
Just when you thought the chances for political change in the South were pretty bleak, relatively unknown State Representative (D) John Bel Edwards comes along and upsets the Republican applecart. It was quite a feat in a solidly Red State like Louisiana. His victory speech: “This election shows us that the people of Louisiana in […]
Texas: Epic Fail on Climate Change Preparedness.
How in blazes can a state that weathers every single hurricane season get a D+ in flood preparedness? The rest of the climate change preparedness report card is equally abysmal: Texas received an overall “F” in planning to prepare for extreme weather in the report, “States at Risk: America’s Preparedness Report Card.” The Lone Star […]
So Bernie and Hillary both won that debate?
So the Huffington Post says that Bernie Sanders swept the polls as the clear winner of last night’s debate. Click the link and see all their charts. They have several from Time magazine, the Washington Times, Slate, Syracuse.com, and even Fox, all showing that Bernie won by a landslide. CNBC said the same. So it’s strange […]
Motorcops Toy Run
I’m sure almost everyone I know within a hundred miles of me will be at Skepticon this weekend, and I hope everyone has a great time there. It usually is every year. I won’t be there because I’m staying home to work on other projects. But this Sunday, I will take a break and once […]
Even if there was a Jesus, he still wouldn’t be Jesus
[youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6lqC8fvIspY[/youtube] In my previous post, I talked about some of the reasons that others have decided that Jesus never existed, and I hinted at some of my own. I say ‘hinted’ because it seems that I was too subtle. I’m often asked to explain things more deeply, because I often give the evidence that I […]
Houston Pastors Preach Against Equality Over Transphobic Fears
This week a smear campaign conducted by the Religious Right including pastors worked to defeat an Equal Rights ordinance dubbed HERO for Houston Equal Rights Ordinance. This is what was proposed on the ballot for Houstonians to consider: “Proposition 1: [Relating to the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance.] Are you in favor of the Houston Equal […]
Jesus never existed
I saw an article in Inquisitor today,wherein someone read through 126 historic documents from 1st century Israel, written by people who should have known about Jesus, yet had never heard of him. This includes Josephus, whose only mention of Jesus is now known to have been a forgery or redaction inserted later by someone else. […]
Correct Texas’ textbooks!
Moses was not a historic character and did not influence the formation of American government. The United States is not a Christian country, and our Constitution is not in any sense founded on the Ten Commandments. Yet all these lies are on the books being spread throughout our public schools. McGraw-Hill was called out by […]