Darwin was no racist, and Hitler was no ‘Darwinist’.
Exceeded expectations thanks to FTBCon3
Although, some of the audience wasn’t sure what to expect, The Secular Asian Community panel was well received. It is now posted on youtube. Despite large numbers of Asians in Asia and non-Asian countries, we have yet to see an offline conference that addressed Asian issues both South and East Asian. So we took the […]
Who stood with the prophet?
This is the conference I meant to attend, the one where they refunded my ticket after it was sold out. Organizers assured me it was just a problem with the computer system, and I believe that, since they never had an opportunity to look me up. I still don’t know if I would have gotten […]
Stand with the Prophet?
Today in Garland Texas there was a Muslim conference to ‘Stand With the Prophet‘. If you know someone who attended this conference, I would like to talk to them. I meant to go myself. I bought a ticket online, and got a receipt for it, but there was some problem with the web page such […]
Tonight on Age of Reason
Tonight Lilandra and I will be talking about the Religious Right’s corruption of Texas textbooks.
Darwin’s view of the ‘races’ of men
In the following video, I said that Darwin had contested his peers by arguing that all humans were the same species and the same race. One of my critics said that I had “completely misrepresented Darwin’s views on human racial variation”, because Darwin said that “[Man] has diverged into distinct races, or as they may […]