September 7, 2024

Month: July 2016


Foundational Falsehoods of Creationism book tour

I’ve never published a book before. So I’m pretty excited about this. My book is available on Amazon for pre-order. Copies should be in stores come November. I’ve scheduled a promotional tour with different secular humanist skeptical atheist groups for a nice circle round the western states where I grew up. Once there are links […]

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Young Earth Creationism

Ark Encounter Needs a Trigger Warning

It can be difficult to make it through the Ark Encounter and maintain a cheerful optimism about the future of mankind. Ignorance is proudly on display everywhere. For those, who left childhood creationist indoctrination behind, it is a particularly difficult trudge through a literal boatload of lies.The rationale for the Ark Encounter is displayed in this […]

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Meeting the Chaplains at the Children’s hospital

I’ve been interviewed many times, but not like yesterday. The Chaplains at Childrens Medical Center of Dallas reached out to Metroplex Atheists asking for someone to advise them. The Chaplains know how to soothe the faithful, but they wanted to be able to comfort unbelievers too. I commend them for that. This hospital has one […]

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