This will end one way or another tomorrow. Patheos Atheists are doing live coverage of the election. Secular Voices will be hosting live tweets. Added so far are Andrew Hall (Laughing in Disbelief), Galen Broaddus (Across Rivers Wide), Stephanie Savage (Miracle Girl), Matthew Facciani (According to Matthew), Aron Ra and Lilandra Ra (Reason Advocates), Luciano […]
Rest in oblivion, Jack Chick
Back in 1970, someone applying for the job of babysitting the eight year-old version of myself left one of Jack Chick’s hateful religious tracts on my mother’s sofa. They were tiny comic books using bewilderingly inane and deplorably bad arguments in an attempt to convince ignorant bigots to adopt his form of mindless reactionary religious […]
Hope for the environment?
Yesterday I was once again hanging with Dan Arel, author The Secular Activist. This time we were at the State Capitol in Sacramento California lobbying on behalf of the Secular Coalition. Of the few conversations I could comment on, the one that stood out for me was someone who agreed with me. Christian Burkkin is […]
Still Voting for Trump?
Who could have predicted the Donald Trump campaign could have sunk any lower going into the second presidential debate tonight? Perhaps, the 42 percent of Hillary Clinton voters in a 4-way match-up that includes third party voters according to Politico’s numbers. That now leaves 39 percent that still support Trump even after the release of […]
Which is worse? Lying to children? Or being truthful with them?
In this Skeptrack panel, Someone told me I was a big meanie for making a little girl cry at the Reason Rally. [youtube][/youtube] I told a story about a little girl at the Reason Rally who was passing out CDs about Jesus. She handed me one and I handed it back, saying “I only accept […]
Presidential Debate Tonight:Live Fact Checking and Drinking Game Strategy
Many of us don’t want to believe it has come down to Trump Vs. Clinton but here we are making the best of it. A new feature thanks to the plucky folks at Bloomberg TV is live fact checking! So you aren’t watching with that nagging voice in the back of your head that tells […]
El Paso Atheists
Atheist Alliance of America is establishing network connections with El Paso Atheists: seen here at their usual gathering place, a Unitarian Universalist Church on Byron Street. It’s a charming location, but it still seems paradoxical for me to give anti-sermons in any sort of church setting. I’m interested in uniting unbelievers wherever I go, if […]
How many atheists are there in the US, really?
After being elected president of Atheist Alliance of America, the first thing I wanted to do was to find out just how many allies we really have. According to a Pew poll in 2014, only 3.1% of Americans identified as atheists while another 4% identified as agnostic. Agnostic is a word that means “atheist in […]
Satanic Panic and Exorcism in Schools?
I was quoted in an article on Vice talking about exorcism. That article talks about how there are only a limited number of Catholic priests in the International Association of Exorcists who are approved and authorized by the church to chant the official incantation that will expel demons. Try to ignore for the moment that […]
Documenting the Exodus from black churches
When I went to DragonCon, I didn’t care about all the comic book stuff or who played the voice for some video game I don’t play or TV show I’ve never heard of. I know, since I stopped watching TV around Y2K, I’ve really fallen out of the loop as far as pop culture goes. […]