January 22, 2025

Aron’s Travails in India

As many of Aron Ra’s Facebook friends already know, he went to the hospital for pneumonia, after staying in Delhi, India. As his wife, I can tell you in the 8 years I have known him; he has never been seriously ill. He was admitted with a temperature of 41.2  Celsius; that is 106 Fahrenheit in the antiquated Customary system.

This trip already had me worried because of a tourist advisory for terrorism and an earthquake there. Odds start to be less of a lightning strike of those happening under those conditions. Of course, I didn’t expect him to become seriously ill. This post is an update on the who, what, why, when, where, how for people,who are concerned about him.

First, to allay concerns he is now on antibiotic shots on an outpatient basis, and will be returning home soon. Blog readers already know about his travels to India to speak at the World Atheist Conference in Vijayawada. 

Some of the other speakers lives are at stake for exposing sham gurus.
Some of the other speakers lives are at stake for exposing sham gurus.


The United States is actually still putting out more than twice the CO2 emissions of India.
The United States is actually still putting out more than twice the CO2 emissions of India.

However, he spent a good deal of time in Delhi, India. Delhi is like a lot of large cities undergoing the birth pangs of industrialization, and the atmosphere there is seriously overloaded by the number of vehicles. Over a period of days Aron’s baritone changed, and he started sounding audibly hoarse.

Aerial view of the smog in Delhi
Aerial view of the smog in Delhi and agricultural fires. Image Wikimedia Commons.

Things got worse when he stayed at a hotel that was stingy with their hot water. The management actually lied to Aron that the water takes 20 minutes to heat up. Can you imagine wasting all that water and leaving the water running for 20 minutes? He finally told them he knew they needed to turn the hot water boiler on, but he still took a cold shower.

How to disable a Texas Tank
How to disable a Texas Tank

Three days later he was shivering and had a high fever. The doctors in Dubai diagnosed him with pneumonia. The air in Dubai is reportedly delicious. So that’s what has happened up until this post. Don’t pray for him of course, but a word of encouragement is always good.

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