This has been a fascinating election season. This year produced the best candidate I’ve ever seen in my life, and contrasted him against a collection of contenders who should not be allowed in office for various reasons. As i said in previous posts, I used to like Hillary OK until I started paying attention. Now […]
Recap of EuroTour 2016
When I was in Europe last year, I had been invited to come back and speak at three different conferences this year too, in England, Poland, and Finland; all in the month of March. I thought the only reasonable way to do that was to hop over the Atlantic one time and stay for the […]
Political Idealism
This election has by far the most uniquely interesting primary that I have ever seen. I’ve been absolutely fascinated by it since the start and can’t read enough about it. Because the general election appears to be decided by who gets the nomination. It’s hard to imagine actually electing any of the feces-flinging monkeys in […]
Feelin’ Berned
Call me what you will, but this is my position. I have given this a helluva lotta thought over the last several months, and I’m completely sincere in what I say. Every single person I personally know is a Bernie supporter -including people who normally vote Republican. How could any sane or rational person vote […]
Freethought Friday ep303
When I was in Dublin Ireland, I met with Ashling O’Brien and Ciarán O Floinn. We found an unoccupied meeting room in the basement of the Ashling Hotel (no relation to Ms O’Brien) and did an interview for their podcast, Freethought Friday. [youtube][/youtube]
It never ends
I’m in Northern Ireland at the moment, speaking tonight in a suburb of Belfast. When I was a young boy, back in the late 1960s, I heard the name Belfast on TV news the same way I heard the names Beirut, Syria, or the West Bank: they were always associated with riots or bombings. Yesterday, […]
We voted for Bernie
Lilandra and I will be going abroad soon, touring 15 countries in six weeks, starting next week. So we took advantage of the option for early voting while we’re still here. In Texas, we have to register to vote, and we have to show ID. Sometimes women have even had to have legal proof of […]
Darwin Day in Wisconsin
Appleton Wisconsin in February has four to five foot-tall piles of snow all over absolutely everything. I live in Texas, where it is hard to remember what color snow is. I was invited to speak here by Alexa Blumenstock, a self-motivated activist whom I have encountered in Washington, Columbus, Omaha, Memphis, Manhattan, and I don’t […]
Cruisin’ the UAE
If you read my earlier article, Hopping through Arabian Airports, then you know how little I know I about Islam or the Arab world. That’s actually why I went to the United Arab Emirates. It was by invitation of a rich [compared to me] Arab who funded that trip. He is an unbeliever, an infidel […]
The Cow
Last week when I was in the United Arab Emirates, someone gave me a copy of The Qur’an, a new translation by M. A. S. Abdel Haleem. I’ve already read the Avestas of Zarathustra and the Bhagavad Gita. So it’s about time I read the Qur’an as well. But I’m not having a good time […]