For a long time, my contact with the Bob Dutko show told me there was no link I could share for that show. Someone has finally provided one. So thanks for that.
Proof that Hellenism is the true religion
So it seems that scuba-diving archaeologists were looking for remains of Napoleon’s defeat at the hands of Lord Nelson, when they accidentally discovered the sunken city of Heracleion instead. This was the Egyptian city where Herodotus said that Helen had fled with her Trojan love, Paris. OK so maybe it’s no quite proof of the […]
The Blind Faith Virus Vaccine
On a Saturday evening on the 16th of November, predominantly Southern Baptist television viewers in Atlanta Georgia got to see a pair of Buddhists trying to direct an argument with me juxtaposed against a Biblical literalist from Liberty University. That was great fun! www.BlindFaithVirusVaccine.TV The host, Mark Gura described himself as a spiritual non-theist, and […]
The re-recording of my Skepticon speech
I thought I was getting over my laryngitis in time for my presentation at Skepticon, but as I approached the mic, my voice gave out again. There I was on stage in a Civic Center, doing an impression of Vin Deisel playing the Iron Giant. I talked for 45 minutes like that. I didn’t have a choice. But […]
Ho ho HO!
Looks like it’s that season again.
Thanks to, and from, the Texas Freedom Network
Tonight I received an email from Kathy Miller, president of the Texas Freedom Network. It is titled, ‘A Victory for Science in Texas’. It reads (in part) as follows: Dear Aron, WE WON! Moments ago the Texas State Board of Education cast a final vote to approve science textbooks based on established science. This is […]
Pseudo-Fame & sour grapes
It figures, don’t it? When I saw this photo (taken of me during an argument at the Reason Rally) I thought, “this is the worst picture that has ever been taken of me.” So of course that’s the one that gets shown on CNN. It’s not like I was really on CNN. If I […]
To the critics of my comments on feminism…
The idea behind the ‘Sexy Secular Conference’ at the University of Akron was apparently to present progressive concepts on non-traditional courtships, romantic expression, bending gender roles, and so on. This was not my usual choice of topics, and it’s not going to become one either. But I took that opportunity to express an opinion, and […]
Success for Science Text books in Texas
Last month, I and many other testified before the Texas State Board of Education in an attempt to preserve good science standards that were set in 2011. Several others testified in an attempt to undermine science by weakening lessons on cosmology, climate change, and evolution. Ideally the Board of Education should all be educated and […]
A Letter to a Certain Christian
I somehow stumbled across a video that I just have to comment on. I don’t want to provide a link to it, because the counter showed that I was only the 3rd person to see it. Hours later, there was only one more view. So I’m not going to call attention to him. I suspect […]