While I was on the Bob Dutko show, he made several claims purportedly supported by peer-reviewed science. It’s a great tactic in any format where such claims cannot be evaluated on-the-fly. This allows superstitious showmen to misrepresent some comment in the abstract of a peer-reviewed paper such that will make creationists feel as though they […]
Aron Ra vs Bob Dutko
On Monday, November 12th at noon central, I will be live on a nationally-syndicated talk-radio show debating conservative Christian, Bob Dutko on ‘the [non] Existence of God‘. WMUZ.com This should be fun.
Aron Ra on Dogma Debate
Wednesday November 7th, I will be on Dogma Debate from 7:00pm to 9:00pm central [Texas] time. I’ll be on with David Smalley and Shayrah as we take live callers at 214-377-1166. Hear it live at dogmadebate.com Listeners who don’t want to call can tweet their questions/comments to the host @davidcsmalley The show will podcast to […]
I should have promoted this event better than I did
I very much enjoyed the Secular Rally this weekend in Tallahassee, Florida. I thought it was very well arranged. There were plenty of good presenters, several tents and tables representing secularism, atheism, and aspects thereof. They provided porta-potties, two food wagons, lots of amplification and recording equipment, and everything one should have considered to put […]
Florida Secular Rally
Whenever I post some prior notice of some event I intend to attend, my wife says it looks like I’m ‘pimping’ myself. If I don’t do that, then people complain that they live down the street from whatever it is and are mad that they didn’t know about it in time. I got several messages […]
Reason on The Rock
Reason in the Rock [Little Rock] was well-planned and played well. Kudos to the Arkansas Society of Freethinkers and the Central Arkansas Coalition of Reason.
Don’t blame the atheists
How often do you get microphone from the steps of the state capital, right? Here is a link to the recordings wherein our governor, Rick Perry declared ‘spiritual warfare’ against secularists and atheists. http://www.rightwingwatch.org/content/perry-christian-warriors-spiritual-warfare-satan-separation-church-state
Update on Malala
The Girl Shot by the Taliban, Becomes a Global Icon Not what the Taliban had in mind. The unfolding story of Malala Yousafzai comes with an inspirational quote: “If Pakistan has a future, it is embodied in Malala Yousafzai,” the editorial reads. “Malala has shown more courage in facing down the Taliban than Pakistan’s government and its […]
Malala Yousufzai
I love this girl. How could you not? And her story evoked my favorite quote from any media source this whole year: Religious extremists all make the same mistake. They all fail to understand that all of the foundational holy books of major religions -all of them- have really really crazy dangerous stuff in them; […]
A new meaning for right-brained vs left brained
I hardly have time to do or read anything anymore, so I haven’t read the associated study behind this article from Discover magazine, only the article itself. Past experience has taught me to cautious of conclusions based only on that. The interesting implication herein is that having more gray matter in the anterior cingulate cortex […]