In an information based society, undereducated children are at a disadvantage. Besides a mind is a terrible thing to waste, right? Here is my speech at The Houston Museum of Science hosted by Houston Atheists in defense of accurate science education for everyone. It had a pretty good turnout of 250 which was the capacity […]
Underneath it’s all the same love
I was surprised to hear a powerful song on mainstream radio about LGBT rights for one thing. But then the song is also openly anti-religious too. When I thought about it how can a song about how harsh the world is to LGBT people be anything but anti-religious in order to speak the truth? The […]
Some Insights from Bridgett “Bria” Crutchfield and Alix Jules on being a Black atheist
Recently I had the opportunity to listen to Bridgett “Bria” Crutchfield and Alix Jules tell their stories about growing up in the black community which can be very religious and adjusting to the atheist community. Bridgett asked me during the discussion if I understood what they go through. For video link click on the title. […]
I can’t believe I shook Eric Hovind’s hand
I also thanked him for being polite, while he interviewed the group. Evolution supporters had gathered to demonstrate in Houston against creationism being taught as science. I consented to Hovind interviewing me on the condition he didn’t cut the video. However, he weaseled out of his promise by posting the entire interview and then cutting […]
The only minority Juror B29 leaves justice for Trayvon up to god.
As if the George Zimmerman acquittal is not galling enough already. I wonder if there was a secular jury, if we would have had the same result? At least they wouldn’t be pointing to an invisible deity hoping to absolve themselves of responsibility for justice for Trayvon Martin. And I quote… “George Zimmerman got away […]
The Asian Panel at FTBCon has spawned a group for Secular Asian Americans
Our panel was composed of East and South Asians, and Hemant Mehta joked we were the only Asian freethinkers. We wondered why we didn’t see more Asian faces active in the freethinking movement. Yau Man Chan‘s theory is that culturally many Asians don’t want to rock the boat, and prefer to keep their heads down. […]
Where are the Asian Faces of Freethought?
This quote from John Xu… “I have often remarked how little interest people of my ethnicity have for secularist and freethought issues. My theory is that this is because they are the product of very complicated and difficult social, political, and intellectual turmoils of the 20th Century. Most Chinese people I know are brought up with […]
Actually Ken Ham: It’s Great to be an Ape
I was invited by Dallas’s Fellowship of Freethought to speak about creationism with the Mister Ra. Aron spoke about his disappointment at Ham’s response about wisdom teeth not being proof of anything that contradicts the biblical account of Genesis. My presentation addressed Ham’s vain response that he is made in the image of god, and not […]
Support Senator Davis’s Filibuster against Texas SB 5: restricting women’s access to abortion.
It is live streaming now, and she is in trouble. The Texas Senate is deciding if she broke the rules by accepting a back brace from a colleague. If she survives this ruling, she has until midnight to block the vote on SB5. It will most likely give her 2 warnings and she has 3 […]
Atheist goodwill not good enough for some Oklahomans
In the wreckage left behind by recent tornadoes, Oklahoma atheist Rhonda Dorle sought to help her neighbors salvage what they could from what the tornado left behind. She and other atheists volunteered their time, and worked side by side with others regardless of what they believed or didn’t. Unfortunately when it was revealed that they […]