Warning! Do not be fooled by the cartoon fish.It is not for the squeamish. Thanks to Meg of The Thinking Atheist for the scare… This is Meg with a video for you to share the next time one of your friends starts in about how a god must have made the world because look at […]
Showing Solidarity with Black Nonbelievers when you aren’t Black
Last weekend, Aron and I went to a presentation about the history of Black Freethought by Alix Jules hosted by Houston Oasis. Right now the Houston Atheists boast the largest group of freethinkers in Texas with a population of 2,078. Salute! We happen to know Alix from being members of DFW’s Fellowship of Freethought the largest group […]
This blog is moderated
Aron and I have been debating on the internet for years. The best discussions even on Christian sites have been moderated. In fact as a former Christian I changed my mind about evolution on a Christian site with Aron’s help. The quality of the discussion is important. This is not YouTube. Bad comments are not […]
A Short Response to Steven Novella’s “Bigfoot Skeptics, New Atheists, Politics and Religion”
Dr. Steven Novella of JREF has posted in response to PZ’s post on skeptical consistency in defense of economic policies particularly libertarianism. The gist of Novella’s main contention with PZ is… Perhaps I am misunderstanding what PZ is saying here, and if so please correct me, but this sounds an awful lot […]
Finding courage to keep the darkness of ignorance at bay Part I
While there may be places on Earth that equal the darkness of Mordor of Middle Earth in terms of the very real evil of ignorance more than Texas this year; that won’t be from a lack of effort on the part of the Texas Legislature. Secularists here are already beleaguered trying to stamp out the encroachments […]
Gay man’s love is more powerful than his father’s religious hate.
This man’s story from NPR’s “Story Corps” brought a tear to my eye. Bryan Wilmoth and his 7 siblings were raised in a brutally religious family. Upon finding a love letter from another boy to Bryan, his father abandoned his 15 year old son in the middle of a field with a 5 dollar bill. Rather […]
The Foundational Oft-Repeated Fallacies of Sexism Deniers
9/11 Truthers, Moon Landing Deniers, Holocaust Deniers, Evolution Deniers, Creationism… It seems controversial ideas are polarizing and can generate extreme views. Some ideas like the fact that the Earth is spheroid can even generate full-blown conspiracy theories. In fact, there once was a history teacher at my high school that was a flat-earther. This happened […]
If only more schools could display more nativity scenes and menorahs…
State Rep. Dwayne Bohac, R-Houston filed a bill in the Texas legislature that is expected to receive bipartisan support to help religious-minded teachers and schools use holiday greetings like “Merry Christmas” and “Happy Hanukkah” and to “display Christmas trees, Nativity scenes, menorahs and other cultural icons of winter celebrations”. So technically a Wiccan teacher, could […]
Fake Morgan Freeman quote may have a few points about the Newtown school shootings
Some anonymous internet jerk posted a picture of Morgan Freeman with a quote from someone else about the cause of the Newtown school shootings. There is a running joke that anything attributed to Morgan Freeman sounds true. This is the picture along with the quote. (picture caption mine) “You want to know why. This may sound […]
Being a closeted atheist can still cost you –so I am coming out.
About 7 years ago, in West Texas, the childhood home of G.W. Bush, I realized I didn’t believe in any god. Even though I later married Aron Ra, a loud, proud and publicly known atheist, I have kept my atheism out of the public arena of ideas. Six years ago, I learned that even posting […]