A “New Wave Feminist” pro-life advocate posted three strategies aimed at abolishing abortion that she believes will, “make abolition a beautiful reality.” They are… 1. “Pro-Life Feminists” What does make an impression is when women who are self-described feminists adopt a pro-life position. It blows people’s minds a little bit. It’s the thing that started […]
Going to have to burn my new Secular Humanism T-Shirt by Lilandra
WTH?! I followed a link from a blog comment linking the Tea Party to Fascist government to a secular humanist site. You know you have to be ever vigilant against fascism. Right? But then what is up with this site’s banner… Why make a point to everyone that visits the site that you are “Beyond […]
Ultimate Blasphemy!
Lilandra here.According to the Bible, the ultimate, unpardonable blasphemy is rejecting the Holy Spirit. Apparently, rejecting the imperceptible and undetectable is unforgivable. Are you Unforgiven II? httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G-Bn_kD6QN4
On Atheist Warm Fuzzies
By Lilandra I suspect atheists experience less warm, fuzzy moments than theists. A lot of us are philosophically opposed to something like bowing our heads with family, and friends in prayer before we break bread. A skeptical mind can be quite the buzz-kill to believer fellowship activities. In real life, I sense that I make […]
Are atheists really good without “god”
By Lilandra Of course we are. Then how could it be possible for Atheism plus social justice issues to possibly divide atheists? If atheism is simply restricted to a non-belief in God/s like some apparently orthodox atheists are insisting, then where does morality originate? God? Of course not! Morality has to be intrinsic, and undiluted […]
“God” Really Doesn’t Need Anyone’s Money
By Lilandra, the Mrs. Ra How many former believers remember being told that their money already belonged to god anyways? Heck, he apparently had enough lucre lying around to pave his streets with gold. Prosperity gospel preachers encourage their followers to give to god as if he is like a usurious, heavenly banker. They promise […]
Don’t read this if you’re a Misogynist, MRA, Feminazi, Femistazi, FTBully, Rape Apologist…
By Aron’s wife …Groupthinker, Troll, Person Blinded by Privilege, Leg-Chewer, and especially if you are Thunderf00t (that’s honestly a joke TF). Do read this if you are tired of reading vitriol, and would genuinely like to know whether our community really feels welcome to women. Sometimes labels are a useful shorthand for having a nominal […]
In the Elevator at TAM 2012
Guest Post by Aron’s Wife I am not exactly sure what the key thing is that unites people attending The Amazing Meeting. I know that I enjoy hanging out with other skeptically inclined people, and more often than not they self-identify as atheists. At the same time, I am aware that TAM also welcomes […]
Compelling your pledge of allegiance to a flag…
Guest blog by Aron’s wife. And to a Republic for which the flag stands Which people insist is one nation under God Who is for most people mutually exclusive As a public school teacher I am required by the state to lead the pledge every school day. As an American atheist, this daily pledge is […]
Here, untie my Gordian knot…
Guest contribution by Aron’s wife. Last week, I had the unfortunate experience of watching yet another would be apologist rope well- meaning atheists including into attempting to unravel his twisted reasoning. Aron invited this young man, who was very much impressed with Eric Hovind and his ilk, to an online discussion basically hoping he could […]