March 9, 2025

Author: Lilandra Ra

Debates, Morality

Target loses significant business because of trans-friendly bathrooms

Unfortunately, it appears bigotry is a good business strategy as boycotts of Chick-fil-a for donating money to organizations that opposed same-sex marriage caused the opposite of the intended effect. Sales to Chick-fil-a actually soared 14 percent (edit)after the company defiantly supported the “biblical definition of marriage.” To make matters worse, a business, like Target, taking a pro-LGBTQ equality […]

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Debates, Feminism, Morality, Politics, TEXAS

Fact Checking Anti-Abortionist Carol Everett VS Lilandra Ra Debate

The United States has made some encouraging progress since I debated the question “Should Abortion be Legal?” Last year in October, I debated with staunch abortion opponent Carol Everett. Everett makes the rounds on conservative programs such as the 700 Club and Focus on the Family and also Fox News. Her group, the Heidi Group, networks and trains Crisis Pregnancy […]

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Apologetics, Debates

Dillahunty vs. Giunta: Did Jesus Rise from the Dead

Matt Dillahunty will debate Blake Giunta tonight at the Bible and Beer Consortium Debate Series.   This is RationalWiki’s opinion on their last debate about the existence of god.  Apparently, his opponent plays with probability in a way that weights his conclusions about god more heavily and discounts natural explanations while leaving out other possibilities. He […]

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Atheism, Televangelism

Rick Wiles: Pokemon Go is Satan’s Cyber-Demons

Hyper-vigilant, would-be televangelist, Rick Wiles of TRUNews a member of Jim Bakker’s PTL Ministry, recounted the seemingly benign tale of a stranger playing Pokémon Go outside his office building this week. According to RightWingWatch, Wiles attributed the player’s otherwise explicable behavior to none other than the Biblical villain Satan himself. He went on to describe a vast […]

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Diversity, Social justice, Young Earth Creationism

The Meaning of Race

Is race a biological or social construct? The word “race” as it is applied to describing ancestral traits in humans is notoriously difficult to disambiguate. The word itself is polysemous, or has different but related senses depending on the context of the discussion. The word “man” is also a polyseme that is ambiguous to the […]

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Young Earth Creationism

Ark Encounter Needs a Trigger Warning

It can be difficult to make it through the Ark Encounter and maintain a cheerful optimism about the future of mankind. Ignorance is proudly on display everywhere. For those, who left childhood creationist indoctrination behind, it is a particularly difficult trudge through a literal boatload of lies.The rationale for the Ark Encounter is displayed in this […]

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