March 10, 2025

Author: Lilandra Ra


Aron’s Travails in India

As many of Aron Ra’s Facebook friends already know, he went to the hospital for pneumonia, after staying in Delhi, India. As his wife, I can tell you in the 8 years I have known him; he has never been seriously ill. He was admitted with a temperature of 41.2  Celsius; that is 106 Fahrenheit […]

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Community, Secular, TEXAS

Texas weather has gone all “Texas” down here

Yes, Texas weather has gone plumb haywire, or “Texas” in Norwegian slang.  On the East side of Dallas,where Aron Ra and I live, secular relief efforts are underway from an estimated 11 tornadoes that tore through Dallas county and neighboring counties to the North and East. Tornadoes in December are rare, and the one that […]

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The Cowardice of the NRA and the Politicians They Own.

The power to end the mass shooting epidemic has always been in the hands of the American people. As if we needed another reminder that Republicans are too cowardly to oppose their faithful campaign contributors in the  NRA, yesterday the Senate blocked an emergency effort by Senate Democrats to keep guns out of the hands […]

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Report: Police Seeking 3 White Males in San Bernardino Shootings

Fox 11 Los Angeles tweeted that police are looking for 3 white males dressed in military gear.  Although there have been Islamist terrorists, who appear white such as the Chechnyan Tsarnaev Boston Marathon Bombers, here is more preliminary evidence this is domestic terrorism: During a news briefing, San Bernadino Police Chief Jarrod Burguan said information about the […]

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Charity, Social justice

Secular Idea for Giving Tuesday

Giving Tuesday is a campaign to break the record for 24 Hour charitable giving. Before you think, “Well, La, Dee, Da…”, it is sort of a reaction to the crass consumerism  of Black Friday and Cyber Monday. (I would like to see us break the record for Voting Tuesday, which I just made up.) Also, […]

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