People have been able to get safe, legal abortions in the U.S. for over 40 years now. Ever since, Roe Vs. Wade in 1973, abortion rights have been a political football, where our politicians play a game with the health and welfare of millions to score political points. This political season has been the worst […]
“In God We Trust” is Unconstitutional.
Here in Texas Christians love the national motto, so much that back in 2007 they chiseled and defaced the stone in our Senate chamber with it. The reasoning according to our now Lt. Governor Dan Patrick goes like this: “There will be times when all of us sit at our desk, and we’ll be able […]
Is Christianity Cultural Appropriation?
Cultural appropriation comes up in the news every now and again, and seems to provoke strongly worded opinions. Miley Cyrus doesn’t appear to get it even after having had it patiently explained to her many times by people, who actually experience it. A blog post I did 2 year sago about Katy Perry’s Geisha performance […]
Tell us again why we can’t have good gun legislation
Perhaps there are good reasons that most Americans should own guns, but I want stay on point here. And yes, I was raised in Texas so I am keenly aware that it would be next to impossible to disarm just this state alone. However, why is it even possible for a Right Wing terrorist group […]
Kim Davis: It’s not about you
Kim Davis emerged triumphantly to “Eye of the Tiger”, as if she went the distance, and now she is back on her feet after just 5 days in jail. She insisted with tears in her eyes that: “I just want to give God the glory,” Davis said. “We serve a living God who knows exactly […]
Angels are everywhere
Here in Detroit waiting for a plane back to the triple digit heat in September of Dallas TX. Where it is so hot that it’s been said: “If I owned Texas and Hell, I would rent out Texas and live in Hell” Philip Henry Sheridan Here in Detroit, several people have complained to me about the […]
New Texas textbooks a bit light on historical facts
Although many concerned citizens, including Aron and me,[youtube][/youtube] testified in protest to certain claims like the theocratic dictator Moses having influenced the American system of government, Texas students will now learn that, and also about what an exceptional snowflake America is. It could have been worse had people not stepped in to remind the Texas State […]
CNN: Chattanooga Tennessee shooting today possible “Domestic Terrorism”
It is some progress that it is being correctly identified as domestic terrorism rather than a deranged gunman, although the situation is grim. 4 Marines and the shooter are dead. At least one of the official in the video of Mayor Andy Berke’s press conference in the feed on the article, is saying it is […]
The Purple and Blue People of Texas
Someone in Scotland was asking me, “We have all heard that Texas is a Minority Majority state, and that it is going purple then why are you still having problems with theocratic legislation?” (Paraphrasing it was a while ago) First this: people in Scotland know many more details about our state’s politics than we do […]
More Good News from SCOTUS for Pro-Choice Advocates
Good News for Pro-Choice Texans and the rest of states affected by Draconian abortion clinic regulations. The Supreme Court has granted a stay to allow Texas’s 18 remaining clinics to stay open until it decides whether it will hear testimony on how Texas HB2 puts an undue burden on the ability to obtain a safe, […]