One of the few atheist feminists on youtube Steve Shives posted a joke about that today: The name “Steve” comes from the Greek word meaning “5th or 6th most popular non-misogynist YouTube atheist.” #LittleKnownFact Aron is gratified that Steve considers him an exception to the rule. I responded:(few edits for clarity) The weird thing […]
Fox: South Carolina Attack on Faith not Race
When are the major media outlets going to call Dylann Storm Roof a terrorist for killing and terrorizing nine Black people? Fox News is appropriating this terrorist hate crime against a historic Black community church as an “attack on faith” instead. “Extraordinarily, they called it a hate crime,” Fox News host Steve Doocy noted. “Some […]
Josh Duggar Redeemed?
CN Child Molestation I didn’t want to weigh in too quickly on the molestation confession by Josh Duggar of TLC’s “19 and Counting”, but now the police report is available. Libby Anne of Love, Joy , Feminism has a good list of things that are not quite right about the way the Duggar family handled […]
Both Parties are the Same! #1 FLPCB HHSC 15-03 , also known as Conscience Protection for Private Child-Placing Agencies
Voter turnout during the US midterm elections was pathetic. There was a definite lack of critical thinking and due diligence evidenced by opposing Republicans, Libertarians, and apathetic liberals in the “Freethought” movement, who repeated the soul sucking canards “Both Parties are the Same” and “It’s a Broken System” during the mid term elections. Aron and I […]
By God! Legislators take a stand, so that Jesus won’t return and find gay marriage!
Newly elected Christian Right legislators gathered in the Texas Capitol Building’s auditorium today, and vowed to defend marriage from LGBT couples. No mention of a lesbian couple that a judge allowed to marry, because of life threatening circumstances. You bet your bippy, they will put a stop to that though!
Chapel Hill: No wonder others don’t get the Muslim and Ex-Muslim Community
Even in the atheist community that prides itself on intellectualism, we often speak for and even instead of Muslims and Ex-Muslims. We have a listening problem. Sadaf Ali, who helped found Ex-Muslims of North America, nails it…
Should you boycott 50 Shades of Grey?(Spoilers and Trigger Warning)
I admit I couldn’t make it through the 50 Shades of Grey trilogy for many of the reasons already widely discussed in the BDSM community. The books also blur consent lines and the line between sexual role playing and emotional and physical abuse.
Exceeded expectations thanks to FTBCon3
Although, some of the audience wasn’t sure what to expect, The Secular Asian Community panel was well received. It is now posted on youtube. Despite large numbers of Asians in Asia and non-Asian countries, we have yet to see an offline conference that addressed Asian issues both South and East Asian. So we took the […]
Black Voices Matter
White allies may feel uneasy speaking with authority on the the spate of unjust decisions involving a mix of racist cops and unarmed black people. It is a difficult thing to do and hard to do well. One thing is for sure is that a black person can do a better job of speaking to […]
Whodathunkit? Moses the actual inspiration for American government
Although climate change denial was removed from textbooks, our school board has stubbornly stuck to it’s guns on including Christianity and Judeo-Christian values (Moses specifically) as the inspiration for America’s form of government.