February 21, 2025

Can an Atheist Get Elected in Texas?

Seriously, what are Aron Ra’s chances for being elected as an open atheist in Texas? Anecdotally, we encountered these signs on our way back from Austin to interview former Democratic Texas State Senator,  ex-gubernatorial candidate, and role model -Wendy Davis.

A much better choice for Governor than Greg Abbott.
A much better choice for Governor than Greg Abbott.

One of the more vocal constituents of Manheim, TX proudly displayed this on their property:

So what did atheists do?
So what did atheists do?

A closer view:

"Atheists, Abortionists, Homosexuals, and Other Perverts will love your Democrat Vote." Only it's ALL CAPS so imagine the speaker shouting in your mind.
“Atheists, Abortionists, Homosexuals, and Other Perverts will love your Democrat Vote.”
Only it’s ALL CAPS so imagine the speaker shouting in your mind that atheists and homosexuals are perverts.

Is the point that atheists and homosexuals may have sex in ways that aren’t Biblically approved? So do you have to just have sex in the missionary position and be a Christian to get this person’s vote? And seriously, as long as sex is safe and consensual who cares how anyone has sex?

Another close up of this person’s rationale:

Have fun with this one.
Have fun with this one.

So point taken, atheists are not beloved citizens of Texas by most. Then how does an atheist like Aron Ra get elected in Texas? More atheists need to come out of the closet and run for office to show people that they are worth liking and voting for. We’re going to discuss this more in depth tonight starting at 8 PM CST on Aron’s podcast the Ra-Men. The podcast will be live and open to youtube comments that can be answered by the participants.

One of our guests is Justin Scott, American Atheists 2017 Atheist of the Year and Founder/Director of the Eastern Iowa Atheists. You may remember him as the atheist voter who asked 2016 Presidential candidates including Donald Trump, how they felt about the separation of church and state.  He also tried to get local area newspapers to cover Aron’s candidacy and we’ll talk about how that turned out. He will be joined by Dr. Juhem Navarro-Rivera, Political Scientist, blogger and co-host of The Benito Juárez Experience.  Dr, Navarro-Rivera has studied secular politics in depth and will lend his expert opinion. Last, we will have an hour of political humor with the Satanist California candidate, who doesn’t really believe in Satan –Steve Hill.

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