September 7, 2024

Category: Apologetics

Apologetics, Debates, Uncategorized

Aron Ra vs Bob Dutko – ADDENDUM

While I was on the Bob Dutko show, he made several claims purportedly supported by peer-reviewed science.  It’s a great tactic in any format where such claims cannot be evaluated on-the-fly.  This allows superstitious showmen to misrepresent some comment in the abstract of a peer-reviewed paper such that will make creationists feel as though they […]

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Apologetics, Debates

Aron Ra vs Bob Dutko

On Monday, November 12th at noon central, I will be live on a nationally-syndicated talk-radio show debating conservative Christian, Bob Dutko on ‘the [non] Existence of God‘. This should be fun.

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Apologetics, Atheism, Blasphemy

Ultimate Blasphemy!

Lilandra here.According to the Bible, the ultimate, unpardonable blasphemy is rejecting the Holy Spirit.   Apparently, rejecting the imperceptible and undetectable is unforgivable. Are you Unforgiven II? httpv://

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