December 4, 2024

Category: Atheist Feminism

Atheism, Atheist Feminism, Charity, Debates, discussion, Diversity, Education, Humanism, Morality, Politics, Secular

What really matters…The So-Called Secular Arguments Against Choice

It is often difficult and awkward to move disagreements forward to where they become productive in the insular, organized atheist community. Especially for a family that is as actively involved as the Ra family, because a lot of times we know and like and often respect the people involved on a personal level. And to […]

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Apologetics, Atheist Feminism, Biology, Conference, Education, Events, Feminism, Humanism, Morality, Politics, Secular

Breaking Love and Reproductive Rights Out of the Christian Frame

I have been pleasantly surprised that the youtube comments on my speech on The Heart of Humanism at The Southern California Secular Humanism Conference are mainly addressing the topic. Especially because I addressed how secularists need to examine where their beliefs about love in particular may be influenced by Christian culture such as ideas […]

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Atheism, Atheist Feminism

Why do atheists have to be so mean? Podcast Today 5/5 with Actress Hayley Myers, Tom Melchiore, and NAP’s Flash Kellish and Sheila Blackadder

Specifically why doesn’t anyone want to ally with us, even other secularists sometimes?  We’re like red headed stepchildren; we can’t do anything right for a lot of people. We will also be discussing atheist vitriol to each other on The Nones . It is approaching toxic levels on the topic of feminism. Hayley wants to be a more […]

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Atheism, Atheist Feminism, Events, Politics, Rally, Secular

Don’t blame the atheists

How often do you get microphone from the steps of the state capital, right? Here is a link to the recordings wherein our governor, Rick Perry declared ‘spiritual warfare’ against secularists and atheists.  

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