Post report on the Tetrapod Zoology Conference and PEP update. Hi. I’m Steve (Owen), the project manager for/of (?) the Phylogeny Explorer (Project) – you know, that big web of string that Aron has created, with little knots in it that all have strange Latin names, that he somehow thinks people might be interested in […]
Announcing two new science series plus patron exclusive content
Happy New Year! Thanks to the generous support of our Patrons, I will begin two new science-related video series. I already released a new video called “How Meteorology Disproves Noah’s Flood.” It is the first in a new series about how various fields of study disprove the fable of the Noachian global deluge. Perhaps for […]
Sponsored links for creationism
I looked up my book on, and noticed these “sponsored links”. Do you see this shit? How should I respond to those links? “Is evolution just a theory?” That’s the 15th foundational falsehood of creationism. If you think evolution is “just” a theory, then you don’t know what a theory is. “You can prove […]
An Amazing blurb
James Randi has written an Amazing endorsement of my book! The seemingly unquenchable popularity of the so-called “paranormal” has long been a puzzle, both to me and to my good friend Aron Ra. However, Aron’s much more important and more specific interest in preoccupation with woo-woo is bifold: religion & creationism — to the study […]
Number One New Release in Christianity
This book has been something like eight years in the making for me. The official release date is November 1st. So my book hasn’t even been released yet, but it’s already the #1 New Release in Christianity on Amazon today! There’s a certain irony in that, I think. 🙂 Yes, there will be an audio version. […]
Watch this space
Aron Ra has some exciting announcements and new developments that he will tell you about after he gets back from protesting Ken Ham’s Ark Park next week. People, who appreciate his work on popularizing science and secular advocacy, will like that he wants to launch a new science-related video series larger than the scope of the […]