In a characteristic display of both irony and projection, Texas Governor Greg Abbott in a show of disrespect to the state’s nonbelievers ordered the Freedom From Religion Foundation’s holiday display removed from where it had been squirreled away on the basement floor for this reason: “The Constitution does not require Texas to allow displays in its […]
Why we don’t support media trolls
It’s not like we don’t see people reminding us in comments on videos asking Aron if he is going to respond to something a media troll said. Often fans of media trolls try to start off-topic comment battles on every one of Aron’s videos even on innocuous topics that are not controversial in the atheist […]
Hemphill County Texas Sheriff dares you to take offense to Bible verse on police vehicles
Just like unattended graffiti, police departments are getting bolder and bolder about putting their Christian stamp on state owned police vehicles. In Hemphill County, Sheriff James Pearson wants everyone to know that if you take offence to “I am the good shepherd. John 10:11” on vehicles paid for by atheist tax money too that you […]
Texas now has a spot for the Baphomet statue
Now that Oklahomans have worked out that state sponsored religious monuments on their capitol grounds means allowing the Satanic Temple a piece of capitol real estate too; the Ten Commandments were quietly removed from state grounds yesterday. On the plus side no one was hurt, but on the minus side its supporters are being sore […]
Should Abortion Be Legal?
People have been able to get safe, legal abortions in the U.S. for over 40 years now. Ever since, Roe Vs. Wade in 1973, abortion rights have been a political football, where our politicians play a game with the health and welfare of millions to score political points. This political season has been the worst […]
“In God We Trust” is Unconstitutional.
Here in Texas Christians love the national motto, so much that back in 2007 they chiseled and defaced the stone in our Senate chamber with it. The reasoning according to our now Lt. Governor Dan Patrick goes like this: “There will be times when all of us sit at our desk, and we’ll be able […]
More Good News from SCOTUS for Pro-Choice Advocates
Good News for Pro-Choice Texans and the rest of states affected by Draconian abortion clinic regulations. The Supreme Court has granted a stay to allow Texas’s 18 remaining clinics to stay open until it decides whether it will hear testimony on how Texas HB2 puts an undue burden on the ability to obtain a safe, […]
Both Parties are the Same! #1 FLPCB HHSC 15-03 , also known as Conscience Protection for Private Child-Placing Agencies
Voter turnout during the US midterm elections was pathetic. There was a definite lack of critical thinking and due diligence evidenced by opposing Republicans, Libertarians, and apathetic liberals in the “Freethought” movement, who repeated the soul sucking canards “Both Parties are the Same” and “It’s a Broken System” during the mid term elections. Aron and I […]
Whodathunkit? Moses the actual inspiration for American government
Although climate change denial was removed from textbooks, our school board has stubbornly stuck to it’s guns on including Christianity and Judeo-Christian values (Moses specifically) as the inspiration for America’s form of government.
Secular Pro-Life Same Old Scare Tactics
If I were to tell you that a purportedly secular anti-abortion group was engaging in the very same fear mongering and harassment of abortion providers that the largely Christian dominated pro-life groups do; would you be surprised? The True Pooka’s final report on Secular Pro-Life’s tactics is posted. In addition to the other tactics Pooka documented, the group […]