Whenever some believer wants to have a protracted discussion in private, it’s frustrating for me because they expect me to go through all this trouble to re-educate that one person alone, only to then see them stick their fingers in their ears, and then I can’t use that discussion as evidence against them. This is […]
Debate Debacle
Hopefully this will be my last post on this debacle. My first post on this told how some self-described “Servant of God” challenged me to come to Michigan and debate whether the Bible is reliable. At that point, he said: If you can not handle a real debate let me know and i will find someone.else It […]
Debating on debating
In an earlier post, I mentioned how someone calling himself “Servant of God” challenged me to come to Michigan and debate one of his friends over whether the Bible is reliable. In that post, I said that I didn’t think it was really going to happen. Because the challenger was determined to say that he […]
Are You a REAL Christian?
In an earlier post, I mentioned how some self-described “servant of God” challenged me to come to Corunna Michigan to debate whether the Bible is reliable. After three weeks, he finally got back to me. Yet he still said he’s having trouble finding an atheist willing to debate. Then he said: “I have seen you […]
Correspondence with a Creationist
In a previous post, I mentioned a discussion with a creationist I met at a debate. It continued in email, and sadly that person was not willing to be held accountable in a public format. So I will keep an anonymous record of our discussion here. My interest doesn’t lay in “debating” alternate views – I […]
No Debate in Michigan
Some Christian minister calling himself a “Servant of God” challenged me on Twitter to debate a Doctor Somebody. I don’t know or care who his champion is. To my experience, any theologian who calls himself Doctor either doesn’t actually have a legitimate PhD or it’s in an irrelevant field: but even if was legit, they’d […]
The Pot Calling the Silverware Black
Last night I went to a debate between my friend, Dr Zachary Moore and Dr Ray Bohlin, a creationist with Probe Ministries, which is connected to the Discovery Institute. The topic was “Is Intelligent Design Science”, so it was an easy win for Zach. This matter was settled in the 2005 case of Kitzmiller v […]
The Pro-Truth Pledge
On the 67th episode of the Ra-Men, I interviewed Prof Gleb Tsipursky PhD regarding a project he co-founded and which I find personally intriguing. I asked Dr Tsipursky to write a blurb for this podcast, and this is what he shared with me: We will talk about the Pro-Truth Pledge, whose purpose is to reverse the tide […]
Orwellian Legislative Duplicity on HB 1485
When my wife and I testified against HB 1485 before the House Education Committee at the State Capital, there were a number of other witnesses who’s comments need to be noted, addressed, and corrected. [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iYPfh-dpsP4[/youtube] When the bill’s author, Representative Valoree Swanson says she wants to provide “academic freedom” for teachers, what she really means […]
Legislators want “academic freedom” to lie to students
As I explained in a previous post, the Texas State Board of Education recently considered including language in their science standards that would have allowed teachers to cite anti-science apologetics whenever they didn’t want to teach real science. So instead of teaching evolution, teachers could promote their own personal belief in creationism instead. The Republican […]