Robert Penczak, the executive director of Atheist Alliance of America also hosts a UstreamTV show called Road to Reason. In their most recent episode, they chose to interview me. [youtube][/youtube] The reason they wanted to interview me now is because Atheist Alliance of America is strongly endorsing Street Epistemology, and of course I just did […]
‘Tis the Season for believin’ silly things you know ain’t true
This being the season for believin’ (so I am told) I’m going to share an old Facebook post explaining part of my perspective on the imagined war on Christmas and people’s rights to religious freedom. “Let me start by saying you have the right to not believe in any God. As I have the right […]
NoDAPL on the Secular Nation podcast
This is the second episode of the incarnation of Secular Nation, the official podcast of the Atheist Alliance of America, and the third episode aired since I was elected president of that organization. Here activists who went to Standing Rock talk about how financial institutions and industrial corporations have risen above the government, sometimes acting […]
Disney Villains
I just saw Disney’s live-action remake of the Jungle Book. I normally don’t have time to watch whole movies, and I really didn’t now either. But I did, just because Honest Trailers really liked it. I thought it was beautiful cinematography and animation, really well done. But I want to comment on the villain. I […]
Learnin’ and practicin’ Street Epistemology
Street Epistemology is a conversational rather than confrontational approach to get people thinking about their beliefs -to see if they’re valid or held for good reasons. The idea was first proposed by Philosophy Professor Peter Boghossian in his book, A Manual for Creating Atheists. I have often been accused of being too firebrand, as if […]
Debate: Is Darwinian Evolution a Fact?
I recently posted that a Muslim apologist named Subboor Ahmad challenged me to debate him at an Islamic convention in Houston. I was told that this was a big budget conference, and that they would take care of everything. I just needed to show up and get learned on all the same-old pseudoscientific excuses I’ve […]
24 hour marathon benefiting Camp Quest
Dogma Debate is doing a 24-hour marathon telethon to raise money for Camp Quest, the camp sites for secular kids across the country. Several speakers in the atheist community are taking different hours to present their case and get their audience to donate. I chose to come on the air at 3:00am on Sunday December […]
Secular Nation Podcast
As President of Atheist Alliance of America, I wanted to raise the standards of our Secular Nation Podcast -such that our shows would be published more frequently, discussing Secular Political topics that come up every week. I also wanted these podcasts to be a shorter than they had been, to better conform to the typical […]
Getting the Story from Standing Rock
I think it was in August when I read something online saying “Did you know that the largest Native American demonstration in history is going on right now, and no one is reporting on it?” So I read on to find out about the Dakota Access Pipe Line. At that time, I think someone shared […]
No one to thank for what I’m thankful for.
I actually celebrate Thanksgiving, though not in the traditional way of course. I’ve heard too many horror stories about how this tradition came about. For one thing, Thanksgiving is the Christian version of the pagan Halloween. They’re both harvest festivals. It’s just that one of them was bastardized and the other erected as a replacement […]