Moses was not a historic character and did not influence the formation of American government. The United States is not a Christian country, and our Constitution is not in any sense founded on the Ten Commandments. Yet all these lies are on the books being spread throughout our public schools. McGraw-Hill was called out by […]
Religious indoctrination rampant in rural Texas schools
Amber Barnhill recently moved her kids to a small south eastern Texas town called the city of China. There she found out what Lilandra and I have been complaining about for so long. All the local schools push their Christian religion. They do it overtly, during school hours, and as part of all curricular activities. […]
Global warming ruined my whole weekend. Thanks Obama.
On Thursday, my wife Lilandra and I drove her car to the little town of China Texas for a Religious Freedom Panel. It consisted of representatives from the Foundation of Contemporary Theology, Americans United for the Separation of Church and State, and the Freedom from Religion Foundation. Attendance was full. The mayor was there. Local […]
Religious Freedom Panel in Houston on Thursday 10/22
I’ve been getting messages from out-of-state wondering WTF is going on with Texas’ politics, whether it is the governor shutting down Planned Parenthood and protecting their religious monuments, or the local cops plastering Bible slogans on their cars and telling secular citizens to suck it. To say nothing of what’s still going on in our […]
Interview at INR5
While in British Columbia for the 5th Imagine No Religion conference, I was interviewed by one of the locals. [youtube][/youtube] Love the thumbnail he created.
Physicalism and Metaphysical Naturalism discussed
I was interviewed by The Objective Centrist on the notions of physicalism/metaphysical naturalism and atheism’s dependence on that. [youtube][/youtube]
Last week Lilandra debated Carol Everett of the Pro-Life Action League. I was proud of how well my wife did on stage. Although there were a few theistic critics in the live audience, the comments we saw online were exclusively positive and supportive of Lilandra’s performance. The event was hosted by the Bible and Beer […]
The Religious Wrong
Last week, we were supposed to have fallen victim of John Hagee’s four blood moons tetrad prophesy. That didn’t happen, but Hagee made a fat sum of money on his book scaring his megachurch following into the end times, and no one will hold him accountable for being wrong. Harold Camping’s failed end-of-the-world prophesy in […]
The Imposition – my presentation to PAStAHcon
PAStAHcon stands for the Pennsylvania State Atheists & Humanists convention in Harrisburg. [youtube][/youtube]
Richard Carrier’s mythicism
Not that long ago, I (like most people) thought that there was once a guy named Jesus, who was a 1st century cult leader and faith healing charlatan, and that his story was heavily embellished and exaggerated, blown out of all proportion -to become the legendary character on which all the various and conflicting denominations […]