I just got a recorded phone call saying that Wendy Davis, (Texas’ Democratic candidate for governor) promotes abortion, “at any time, for any reason”, and that she opposes “common-sense” legislation limiting abortions after 20 weeks, “when the fetus would feel excruciating pain”. Obviously this came from the campaign to elect Greg Abbott. I hate when […]
Is Texas doomed to another theocratic governor?
“Texas has been red since dinosaurs roamed the state 6,000 years ago. At least that is what the Texas history books say.” The Daily Show with Jon Stewart has been filming from Austin, TX. this week. After, a clip of the stupid ass things that our elected officials do and say, Stewart made the humorous […]
Talking with Faisal about my previous blog post
Weighing on how progressive liberals treat Islam.
Can’t call it ‘Islamophobia’ anymore
I should thank this speaker, Fahah Ullah Queresh for explaining that we needn’t worry about offending moderate Muslims – because there aren’t any; they all self-identify as unreasonable homophobic misogynists endorsing excessively morbidly violent reactions to what they say are ‘offenses’, but which don’t even count as crimes in civilized society. It’s also important to […]
Scott Lane on the Ra-Men
The summary of tonight’s podcast is that Scott Lane has a son in a Louisiana elementary school -“-where the state government fosters creationism and religious proselytization in schools. One of the test questions asked [something along the lines of] “Isn’t it wonderful what the ______ has done?” Lane’s son couldn’t have guessed that the answer […]
On this date, once upon a time…
I would just like to point out that 52 years ago, on October 15th 1962, my existence was documented in a small Arizona hospital that was later converted into a jail. John Fitzgerald Kennedy was president of what was then the most scientifically advanced country – in world that still had not been to the […]
I wouldn’t say I loved Lucy
I’m doing a movie review AFTER everyone else has seen the damned thing. Can you believe, I couldn’t get anyone in my family to go see Lucy with me? I finally saw it on my own alone at a dollar movie. Why wouldn’t anyone see it with me? Because it wasn’t remotely real. We seem […]
My schedule at the moment
I just confirmed my flights for the Unholy Trinity Down Under. I tried to arrange an overnight stop in Los Angeles, but that would have cost another $800.00. So when I board Quantas in DFW, I won’t get off that plane until two days later, once I’m on the other side of the world. That […]
Duck Cage
I guess this is the star of Duck Dynasty. I don’t know; I’ve never seen the show. Anyway he says that atheists will be converted to end-times Christians if we watch the remake of ‘Left Behind’ starring Nicholas Cage. Can it believe it took this for me to finally lose the last of my respect […]
Irrational Rowlett – again
This video is from last April. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v46oAeOWkLg Last year, we had a bit of a confrontation with the city of Rowlett Texas, and the invocation that was illegal then, and for which they will not be held accountable. Now things have changed, but the more things change, the more they stay the same, and you’re […]