February 22, 2025

Irrational Rowlett – again

This video is from last April.

Last year, we had a bit of a confrontation with the city of Rowlett Texas, and the invocation that was illegal then, and for which they will not be held accountable. Now things have changed, but the more things change, the more they stay the same, and you’re about to read a demonstration of that.

Randy Word, one of my activist friends, has just relayed the following message:

The city of Rowlett has rejected our request for a local atheist resident to give an invocation at a city council meeting. They are now hiding behind Liberty Institute, a far right Christian pro bono legal entity, that defends religion sponsored by the government. This rejection flies in the face of the Greece NY vs Galloway Supreme Court decision last May that legalized sectarian prayer to open government meetings as long as there is no discrimination regarding who gets to give the invocation. Greece NY has allowed non-Christians to give the invocation including an atheist.

Metroplex Atheists and Metroplex Atheists Rowlett are calling for a protest at the city hall on 9/16 at 7PM which is 30min before the council meeting officially begins. The intent of the protest is to bring attention to the discrimination mentioned above and not the fact that the meetings are opened with an invocation. Resident Rowlett atheists will then speak to the council during the citizens input portion of the meeting.

We are inviting all atheists and anyone else who is against this type of discrimination to join us in this protest. We will have some signs but strongly recommend that you bring you own. Here are some ideas but if you make your own we recommend that you stay “on message” as described above. Please come to the next Metroplex Atheists bus mtg and help us make signs for the protest.

Rowlett – For Christians Only

Stop the Discrimination Now

Rowlett – Only Christians Allowed

Stop the Christian Bullying

Treat Your Citizens Equally

Stop the Hypocrisy

Your Policy is Anti-American

You Have Now Proven Your Discrimination, Exclusionism and Bias

Stop Hiding Behind the Liberty Institute

Greece NY Allowed an Atheist Invocation – Why Won’t You?

Stop Violating Your Own Invocation Policy

Rowlett – Non Christians Beware!

Another thing that someone could note in a public comment is that the Council has violated its own invocation policy in order to get speakers in the past. In 2012, Pastor Shane Pruitt of Connection Community Church gave the invocation five times (Jan 17, Apr 3, May 1, Nov 6, and Dec 4), in violation of the Council’s policy (see policy, page 5, #8). Additionally, for the Council meeting on June 7, 2011, the invocation was led by Senior Associate Pastor Clay Womack, First United Methodist Church of Garland. Though the First United Methodist Church may have “an established presence in the local community of the City of Rowlett, Texas,” the Pastor from Garland does not represent the local congregation. His inclusion therefore violated the policy (see policy, page 4, #4b). It also seems that the Council ends up giving the invocation itself more often than not. If the Council is this hard-pressed to fill its invocation schedule, perhaps that is an argument for being more inclusive.

Page 4 – 4b b The Congregations List shall be compiled by referencing the listing for churches congregations or other religious assemblies in the annual Yellow Pages phone books published for the City of Rowlett Texas research from the Internet and consultation with local chambers of commerce All religious Congregations with an established presence in the local community of the City of Rowlett Texas are eligible to be included in the Congregations List and any such Congregation can confirm its inclusion by specific written request to the Secretary Page 5 – 8 The Secretary shall make every reasonable effort to ensure that a variety of eligible invocation speakers are scheduled for the Council meetings In any event no invocation speaker shall be scheduled to offer a prayer at consecutive meetings of the Council or at more than three 3 Council meetings in any calendar year


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