February 22, 2025

My schedule at the moment

I just confirmed my flights for the Unholy Trinity Down Under.  I tried to arrange an overnight stop in Los Angeles, but that would have cost another $800.00.  So when I board Quantas in DFW, I won’t get off that plane until two days later, once I’m on the other side of the world.  That will put me in Auckland New Zealand on March 9th.  I intend to stay there a couple days before I head to Australia.  I’m speaking in Sydney on March 14th, in Brisbane on March 18th, Melbourne on March 21st, and Perth on March 23rd.  There are more details of course, but we’ll announce those later on.

After that, I’ll be in Hawaii March 29th and 30th, because my daughter is stationed at the Naval base there.  Then I will take another direct flight from there all the way back to DFW.  I would have liked to stop off in San Francisco for a while on the way back, but once again, it would have driven the costs beyond my allowance.

This trip is being jointly-funded by the Atheist Foundation of Australia and the Humanist Society of Western Australia.  They let me arrange my own flights, but I have to keep it under budget.

I was only on a dozen planes in 2014. This one trip alone would have been at least that many, if I could have broken up the trip a bit.  Who wants to sit on an airplane for 24 hours or more in one shot?  Especially when we’re flying WITH the rotation of the earth, because that takes even longer.

BTW, would any of you flat earth believers like to explain why it is that flying west to east is so much faster than flying east to west?  The last time I made this trip, Tuesday April 11th 2012 didn’t exist in my life. I jumped straight from the 10th to the 12th. But the flight back had me on a 48 hour Monday. I’d love to hear how the flat-earthers explain that. They’re still out there, ya know. They’re still posting on YouTube.

9 thoughts on “My schedule at the moment

  1. “BTW, would any of you flat earth believers like to explain why it is that flying west to east is so much faster than flying east to west? The last time I made this trip, Tuesday April 11th 2012 didn’t exist in my life. I jumped straight from the 10th to the 12th. But the flight back had me on a 48 hour Monday. I’d love to hear how the flat-earthers explain that.” Good Zinger. Have fun Down under!

  2. Unholy Trinity lol

    Do you live your purposeless existence in this pointless universe just to constantly take shots a Christianity?

    Can we say, inferiority complex?

  3. Since the psychotic religious nuts are always trying to shovel their BS up our asses I can think of no better purpose then to takes shots at them.

    Here’s how it works the flat earth is a disc that spins around on its north point like a top, so the time it takes to fly one way is longer then the other, giving you the illusion of flying around the fictional globe!

    Not being mentally challenged I have to use a lot of imagination to get a flat disc earth.

    1. L.L Long to say that one shouldn’t force one’s belief into others is in act in itself that entails forcing one’s belief onto others, as you are trying to force someone to be quiet when it comes to their beliefs and therefore your crying is self-refuting.

      Anyways the whole unholy bid is so childish it’s amusing how grown ups like Aronra don’t find it to be sophomoric so, next time please name it ‘unholy depths of Hades meeting’ or something like that so I can laugh even harder.

      1. If you can’t see the difference between ‘stop shoveling your BS’

        and ‘You must follow my BS’ Then I suggest a good course on ethics.

        1. By telling someone to stop shoveling what you think is BS, is an act in itself that implies I must follow your reasoning.

          So you are inconsistent

  4. I am so stoked you’re coming to Perth. When you first announced you were only coming to the east coast I was devo. Totes looking forward to it!

  5. As a local yokel, I feel a responsibility to point out that there’s no “U” in Qantas; also that it was originally an acronym for “Queensland and Northern Territory Air Service.” I suppose the founders (in 1920) felt that dropping the “U” was more aesthetically something-or-other.

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