February 22, 2025

Possibly World’s Largest Gathering of Atheists in Foxholes

Military Association of Atheists and Freethinkers
Maybe foxholes were left in the past with trench warfare, but there have always been atheists serving the U.S.

Although you can’t officially salute them yet because they are trainees, you can unofficially salute the Military Association of Atheists and Freethinkers.  The group just hosted a meeting of a possible world record 270 Airmen recruits based in the San Antonio area. They discussed where atheists get their morals from, which every atheist knows is from the reality of living in society and empathy.

The meetings are conducted by Rebekah McGraw, a Humanist Chaplain,
Ben Mcgraw, a Humanist Lay leader, and Scott Smith a Minister with the Church of the Flying a Spaghetti monster. Another one of the facilitators and founders, Vicki Gettman, a Humanist Chaplain at Lackland Air Force Base, says this about working with the group:

It is so rewarding to volunteer my time providing support to the Atheist and nonreligious trainees entering the Air Force. It is equally rewarding breaking down walls of ignorance and educating the religious trainees with the truth about Atheists

As if anyone needs proof that atheists are moral, this group just helped  Atheists and Humanists Helping the Homeless-San Antonio and South Texas Atheists for Reason distribute items to San Antonio’s homeless. It is always great to write about the good people of Texas, because the politicians here sometimes embarrass us.

[Image used with permission of Vicki Gettman]

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