March 9, 2025

SCOTUS to rule soon on undue burden on abortion clinics

The US Supreme Court ruling on Whole Woman’s Health v. Hellerstedt from Texas’s HB2 that enacted draconian restrictions on abortion providers may come down as soon as Monday. What will the Supreme Court ruling on whether abortion TRAP laws (Targeted Regulation of Abortion Providers) like TX HB2 mean for pregnant people across the country?

Tweet from the March 2nd rally during SCOTUS hearings on HB2
Tweet from the March 2nd rally during SCOTUS hearings on HB2

Aron Ra and I got together on the Ra-Men Podcast with Heather Busby, the Executive Director of NARAL ProChoice Texas, to discuss the ramifications of this pivotal ruling which could mean better access to abortion or more restrictions and clinic closings around the country. More in-depth details about the significance of the ruling can be found in that interview.

Busby hopes for a 5-3 ruling striking down the TX HB2 that enacted unfair and biased TRAP laws on Texas clinics that helped reduce the number of abortion clinics from 36 to just 9 in a state the geographic size of Western Europe. A ruling against TX HB2, may also help in states with similar TRAP laws. The most damaging type of TRAP law is requiring abortion providers to have admitting privileges to hospitals that are often pressured not to grant them.

We go into the ramifications of the ruling in more detail in the interview. The video is already predictably getting anti-choice comments or perhaps people, who think reproductive rights are a joke.

Reproductive Rights are not a joke.
Reproductive Rights are not a joke.

For people looking for productive ways to help with abortion access which is aggressively being limited by the Religious Right all over the country, a few suggestions of Busby’s for Texans: (More and countrywide suggestions in the interview)

If it is safe to do so tell your abortion story.

and on the day of the ruling:

Gather in major Texas cities.





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